Lots of thumbnails here!
I work very hard to Photoshop/photochop these 'J/C, J or C, KM or RB' fake and non-fake pictures, so please give credit where credit is due if you use them on your site, and Especially if you use them to make icons, sigs, avatars etc for sharing on Live Journal. Just a tiny credit/link on your page when and where you post them is fine. Otherwise, you're saying that you made them from scratch - by ommission - and that's just not fair. Ta :)
**Wallpapers in descending date order :Wallpaper Page 4, Wallpaper Page 3, Wallpaper Page 2, Wallpaper Page 1
**Wallpapers in descending date order :Wallpaper Page 4, Wallpaper Page 3, Wallpaper Page 2, Wallpaper Page 1